Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Monitor the real user experience with our RUM monitoring solution. Optimize your website and identify performance issues for end users with real-time metrics - no synthetic monitoring.

How does real user monitoring work?

A quick explanation of our RUM solution

1. Setup monitoring for your website

Create an Uptimia account and integrate a small JavaScript snippet of code into your website.

2. Gather Information of Your Visitors

We collect extensive data from your visitors' web browsers, analyze it, and convert it into valuable metrics.

3. Get alerted if things go wrong

Receive real-time alerts via SMS or email if we detect performance issues affecting your website visitors.

End-User Experience Monitoring Made Easy

Detailed Page Load Time Data

RUM offers a valuable opportunity to gauge the satisfaction of your site visitors. Assess user satisfaction at various times of the day to determine if your server can effectively handle peak-hour traffic. RUM will help you to avoid poor user experience and increase user engagement.

Improve Loading Speed

Loading speed not only impacts Search Engine Optimization but is also crucial for retaining visitors. Research indicates that users tend to leave a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Easily identify and address slow-loading parts of your website to ensure a seamless user experience.

Analytics Tool for a User-Centric View of Your Website

No Synthetic Monitoring

Get user interaction data directly from actual users, eliminating reliance on synthetic tests conducted by fast servers. Collect data from various browsers, countries, operating systems, and pages of your site. Test your entire application performance, not just selected features.

Loading Phases

Access data on loading phases, including DNS resolving, receiving, waiting, and rendering times. Leverage this information to enhance your site's loading time. Identify the need for a Content Delivery Network (CDN), especially in cases where your website experiences slow loading for visitors from other continents.

Connect your favorite tools to Uptimia

Integrate Uptimia with WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, Discord, Pagerduty or many other tools you like.

Invaluable User Journey Data at Your Fingertips

Analyze the Map

Gain insights with a clear map displaying loading speed times for your visitors worldwide. Identify problematic countries and understand the percentage of international visitors. Utilize our intuitive dashboard for a quick overview of crucial RUM metrics.

JavaScript Errors

Your visitors use many different browsers running on many operating systems, which makes JavaScript debugging incredibly challenging. Use RUM to pinpoint where in your website or application your users encounter JS errors and eliminate them for a smoother user experience.

What do our customers say about us?

Discovering Uptimia through customer feedback

I've tried various monitoring services, and Uptimia stands out as the best. The ease of setup, many monitoring locations, and alerts to WhatsApp make it a must-have for any website owner.

Uptimia's RUM is a game-changer! It's like having a window into my users' experiences. The instant alerts for performance drops have saved me from potential issues, ensuring my website runs smoothly.

I'm in love with this tool. It gives me insights into how website users are navigating the site and alerts me promptly if there's a drop in performance. It's a must-have for anyone serious about real-user monitoring.

Uptimia provides a unique perspective on my website's performance. We get amazing insights about every user, such as which mobile device they use, as well as how users interact with our site.

We could quickly identify some important insights into the user experience with Uptimia. This tool provice us with key metrics like load time from different devices and locations. Highly recommended!

Uptimia has simplified website monitoring for me. The customizable features, coupled with the detailed reports and error screenshots, ensure better user experience for my customers.

With Uptimia you can see exactly what the user is experiencing when they navigate your site. A very good RUM tool!

We identified some important issues with our backend with the help of Uptimia. Monitoring how our users are interacting with your site is very important to us!

Uptimia is my go-to web monitoring tool. The real-time alerts keep me informed, and the user-friendly interface makes managing my site a breeze. Highly recommended!

Managing multiple web applications is a breeze with Uptimia. The simplicity, coupled with the global monitoring coverage and instant alerts, makes it a reliable choice for website owners.

Uptimia's real user monitoring solution is a game-saver. It gives me insights into how users experience my site, and the performance alerts ensure I address issues before they impact user satisfaction.

Frequently asked questions

What is Real User Monitoring (RUM)?
Real User Monitoring (RUM) is a solution that monitors the actual user experience on your website. It collects real-time metrics from end users to help optimize your website and identify performance issues, without relying on synthetic monitoring.
How does real user monitoring work?
Real user monitoring works in three steps: 1) Set up monitoring by integrating a small JavaScript snippet into your website, 2) Gather information from visitors' web browsers and analyze it, 3) Receive real-time alerts if performance issues are detected.
What kind of data does RUM collect?
RUM collects extensive data from visitors' web browsers, including page load times, loading phases (DNS resolving, receiving, waiting, and rendering times), user interactions, and JavaScript errors.
How can RUM help improve my website's performance?
RUM helps improve your website's performance by providing detailed page load time data, identifying slow-loading parts of your site, and offering insights into user satisfaction at different times of the day. This information allows you to optimize your site for better user experience and engagement.
What is the advantage of RUM over synthetic monitoring?
RUM provides data from actual users instead of relying on synthetic tests conducted by fast servers. This allows you to collect data from various browsers, countries, operating systems, and pages of your site, testing your entire application performance rather than just selected features.
Can RUM help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Yes, RUM can indirectly help with SEO by providing insights to improve your website's loading speed. Loading speed is a crucial factor for both SEO and user retention, as users tend to leave sites that take longer than 3 seconds to load.
What tools can I integrate with Uptimia's RUM solution?
Uptimia's RUM solution can be integrated with various tools including WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, Discord, Pagerduty, and many others.
How does RUM help with JavaScript error detection?
RUM helps pinpoint where in your website or application users encounter JavaScript errors across different browsers and operating systems. This information allows you to identify and eliminate these errors for a smoother user experience.
What geographic insights does RUM provide?
RUM provides a clear map displaying loading speed times for your visitors worldwide. This helps you identify problematic countries, understand the percentage of international visitors, and determine if you need a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for better performance.
Is there a free trial available for Uptimia's RUM solution?
Yes, Uptimia offers a free 30-day trial for their Real User Monitoring solution.